Advantage Energy’s Strategic Acquisition Aims to Increase Market Flexibility

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Written By Dean McHugh

Advantage Energy is a Canadian energy company known for its shift from a predominantly dry gas business to incorporating more liquid production, enhancing its market flexibility.

The company’s recent acquisition of neighboring production assets for C$450 million marks a significant step in this strategic transition.

Strategic Acquisition at an Attractive Valuation


The acquisition price, pegged at 3.2 times operating income, highlights an attractive deal for Advantage Energy. While operating income can be defined variably, it generally represents earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), excluding non-operating items.

This metric suggests a solid return on investment, even though it appears higher than some recent deals using EBITDA as a reference.

Financing the Acquisition

Advantage Energy plans to finance the acquisition with approximately C$65 million in stock and the remainder in debt, including C$125 million of convertible bonds. This will increase the company’s debt ratio significantly.

However, focusing on drilling for more liquids rather than dry gas could help in managing and potentially reducing this debt quickly.

The strategic location of the acquired assets close to Advantage Energy’s existing operations is expected to generate substantial synergies.

Familiarity with the geology and operational proximity significantly enhances the likelihood of successful integration and operational efficiency.

Adjusting Strategy for Market Conditions

The Charlie Lake area, where the new assets are located, has become increasingly profitable due to technological advancements. While Advantage Energy has traditionally focused on the profitable Glacier dry gas production, the recent weakness in natural gas prices has prompted a strategic pivot.

The company aims to balance its portfolio to capitalize on both natural gas and liquid-rich opportunities, adapting to prevailing market conditions.

Debt Strategy and Market Outlook

Advantage Energy intends to deleverage by 2025, a realistic goal considering the upcoming increase in North American natural gas export capacity. This export potential could allow North American natural gas prices to align more closely with stronger global market prices.

In the United States, declining natural gas production, as evidenced by Antero Resources, further supports this strategy. The acquisition, predominantly financed by debt, underscores management’s confidence in future market conditions.

The additional cash flow from the acquired assets will primarily be directed towards debt repayment, reinforcing the company’s conservative capital management approach.

Economic Viability and Growth Prospects

The acquisition is expected to enhance Advantage Energy’s position, enabling the company to benefit from stronger natural gas prices and favorable oil and condensate prices.

The Charlie Lake assets, while currently showing lower profitability than existing properties, hold promising prospects. Initial drilling results could lead to significant updates in expected returns.

Advantage Energy’s strategic shift allows it to adapt to changing market dynamics, particularly with the increasing ability of North America to export natural gas. This flexibility positions the company well to capitalize on varying market conditions.



Advantage Energy is poised to benefit from both stronger natural gas prices and favorable oil and condensate markets. The strategic acquisition of neighboring assets enhances the company’s operational flexibility and growth potential.

Despite the increased leverage, the company’s historically low debt ratio and strategic focus on debt reduction mitigate associated risks. This acquisition reflects a bullish outlook on the industry and positions Advantage Energy for significant future growth.


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