Exploring the Potential Value of Top-Performing Iris Energy Limited

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Written By Keziah Monique Gayo

In this financial analysis, we delve into the intrinsic valuation of Iris Energy Limited (NASDAQ: IREN), employing a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model to decipher its true market value.

This model, though complex in appearance, offers a structured approach to understanding future cash flows and their present value, a crucial aspect for investors aiming to gauge a company’s worth.

Iris Energy’s Fair Value Estimation: A DCF Perspective

Utilizing the 2-stage growth model, our analysis divides Iris Energy’s growth into two distinct phases: an initial period of potentially higher growth followed by a stage of stable growth.

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This method involves projecting the company’s cash flows over the next decade, based on available analyst estimates or extrapolated from recent financial data.

The assumption here is that companies experiencing growth in their free cash flow (FCF) will see this growth decelerate over time, mirroring the natural business cycle where rapid growth eventually tapers to more sustainable levels.

Present Value of Future Cash Flows

The DCF calculation starts with an estimation of the next ten years of cash flows, taking into account the company’s projected growth rates.

For Iris Energy, the Present Value of 10-year Cash Flow (PVCF) is calculated at US$248 million. This figure is foundational in understanding the company’s valuation, reflecting the anticipated cash generation in today’s dollars.

Terminal Value and Total Equity Value

Beyond the ten-year forecast lies the Terminal Value (TV), which accounts for all subsequent cash flows. Applying the Gordon Growth formula and a discount rate of 6.9%, Iris Energy’s TV is estimated at US$1.8 billion.

This is then discounted to present value, amounting to US$924 million. Summing up the PVCF and PVTV gives us a Total Equity Value of US$1.2 billion for Iris Energy.

Fair Value and Market Comparison

Dividing this total equity value by the number of shares outstanding offers a per-share valuation, revealing Iris Energy’s fair value to be approximately US$11.27.

This suggests a significant undervaluation, with the current market price at US$5.65, indicating a potential 50% discount. It’s interesting to note that this analysis closely aligns with analysts’ price targets, further validating the DCF model’s outcomes.

Key Assumptions and Investor Considerations

It’s paramount to acknowledge the critical role of assumptions in the DCF model, particularly the discount rate and cash flow projections.

These elements can dramatically influence the valuation, underscoring the importance of investor diligence and scenario analysis.

Additionally, while the DCF model provides a deep dive into a company’s financial prospects, it does not encapsulate the entire spectrum of factors affecting a company’s performance, such as industry cyclicality or future capital requirements.

Navigating Iris Energy’s Investment Landscape

The DCF valuation of Iris Energy presents a compelling case for its current undervaluation in the market.

Credit: DepositPhotos

However, investors are encouraged to view this analysis as part of a broader investment decision-making process, incorporating other financial metrics and market conditions.

As with any investment, the quest for value requires a balance of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment, ensuring a well-rounded perspective on Iris Energy’s potential as a lucrative investment opportunity.


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